Aha, now i should suggest how to create my own healthy delicious meal.
Ok, so maybe i should start with my favourite food, spagehtti.
Now now, the image is not the actual of my description but it just look so nice that i chose it.
Ok, i shall talk about sausage ham and cheese spagehtti.
-bottled mayonise sauce bought from super market
-ham sliced
-sausage from supermarket (frozen food)
so how do we make it healthier and maintain the taste of the the spagehtti? Here is my own recipe.
insteadof using mayonise, make our own mushroom soup.
-1 tsp spoon of salt
-2 medium onions (chopped)
-1 garlic (crushed)
-freshly ground pepper
-1 small piece of butter
so after making the soup we can pour it onto the spagehtti, sounds quite nice eh?
then for sausage and ham is too salty and made up of unwanted meat so it is not good to consume them.
replace them with:
- green peas
-chicken slices
then cook it, and presenting to you, your very own Chicken mushroom spagehtti.
the green peas is a type of vegetables so having it in the recipe helps to maintain a balance of meat ans vegetables. Mushrooms is healthier compared to the sauce people usually use to cook. plus, freshly made stuff is always better than those bought from the supermarket. having chicken replacing sausage and ham is also a better choice because fresh chicken is not added with any preservatives unlike sausauge and ham. that is why sausage is salty by itself, salt is also a kind of preservatives.
that's all, my suggestion of a healthier meal.
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