After a spending such a long time on my own PT, now i should view how people feel about their diet. Reporter Ang bringing you with the lastest news now on
1) Claudia's blog
i felt that her blog is really in great details and she even tell the reader why is her suggestion a healthy choice and mostly importantly, she is able to know of her own needs and suggest something that is suitable for herself. Also, her analysis of her 3-day diet was also good and she ven give suggestions of how and what she can do to improve on her diet. However, i feel that with given statistics it will then provide a clearer view for the reader. she even talked about the dangers of too much intake of each components of nutrients which gives us a clear understanding of why we should maintain a good balance. overall, i think she really puts in lots of effort and her suggestion of the spagehtti sounds so good that i think i will try it out during my free time.Her diet is also quite well maintain such that she eats alot of fruits and it's not just one type but a wide variety of fruits.
2) Yi Xuan's blog
i felt that her suggestion of a healthy meal is good and she even provides the reader with the ingredients. she uses different nutrition tools to analysis her diet. Judging from her diet, she is taking in less than all the recommended intake which means she needs to eat more nutritious stuff. i think that it will be good if she can give suggestions to how she can eat better and get more nutrients which are essential for the body. she can also talk about the impacts of low and high intake of each components of the nutrients. overall, i think her work is well done and can see that she put in effort in doing it, as the food intake assessment takes quite a long time to do it. Of course, i think it will also be good if she can add in more of her own opinions about how she feel about her own diet.
3) Ruth's blog
i felt that her blog is quite personal and she knows it well that her diet is not really healthy. base on her food intake assessment, i think she needs more calcium and protein which is essential for herself. It will be good if she can add in the effects of too much intake of each components of nutrients e.g. high in fats leads to blocking of artery. she includes alot of her opinions on the subject she is talking about and it is really good to know that. Maybe she can also try to write more about her own diet and recommend something of her own that suits and provide everything she lacks in. e.g. mushroom milk soup (this is just a random example) where the milk cna provide the calcium she lacks and the mushroom provides the protein she needs. overall i think it was a job well done and maybe she can also use a better blog template and increase the font size of the the words because now it is too small.
done with analysis, i love all their blogs and i like mine too:)
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Graphs, pictures
i know that the graphs and pictures are not very clear.
please click on the image itself so that it can enlarge for easy viewing.
also, please scroll down and press the button that says' older post' if u cannot find my 3-day diet record.
i know that the graphs and pictures are not very clear.
please click on the image itself so that it can enlarge for easy viewing.
also, please scroll down and press the button that says' older post' if u cannot find my 3-day diet record.
Suggesting a healthy meal , YAY!

Aha, now i should suggest how to create my own healthy delicious meal.
Ok, so maybe i should start with my favourite food, spagehtti.
Now now, the image is not the actual of my description but it just look so nice that i chose it.
Ok, i shall talk about sausage ham and cheese spagehtti.
-bottled mayonise sauce bought from super market
-ham sliced
-sausage from supermarket (frozen food)
so how do we make it healthier and maintain the taste of the the spagehtti? Here is my own recipe.
insteadof using mayonise, make our own mushroom soup.
-1 tsp spoon of salt
-2 medium onions (chopped)
-1 garlic (crushed)
-freshly ground pepper
-1 small piece of butter
so after making the soup we can pour it onto the spagehtti, sounds quite nice eh?
then for sausage and ham is too salty and made up of unwanted meat so it is not good to consume them.
replace them with:
- green peas
-chicken slices
then cook it, and presenting to you, your very own Chicken mushroom spagehtti.
the green peas is a type of vegetables so having it in the recipe helps to maintain a balance of meat ans vegetables. Mushrooms is healthier compared to the sauce people usually use to cook. plus, freshly made stuff is always better than those bought from the supermarket. having chicken replacing sausage and ham is also a better choice because fresh chicken is not added with any preservatives unlike sausauge and ham. that is why sausage is salty by itself, salt is also a kind of preservatives.
that's all, my suggestion of a healthier meal.
Thought process
Through this PT, i realised how unhealthy my eating habit is and i figured out that i am in great danger of a heart disease!
i think one reason for the lack of consumption of vegetables and fruits is really because i only eat certain types of fruits and vege. for example, i only like to eat pears, orange and guava most of the time as they taste really good but i dont ever take apples though apples are known to have lots of vitamins. if not there wouldn't be such a phrase like 'an apple a day keeps the doctor away'. As for vegetables, i only take 1 type of vegetables, which is kangkong and no other type of vege. As such resulting in the imbalance diet. It is also due to the the fruits we usually buy, some fruits that i like such as strawberries and rambutans are some of the different types of fruits that are seasonal which we don't get to eat them anytime we want. That reduce the amount of fruits i eat.
So one thing i could do is really to eat a variety of food and not be too picky. Also, i need to control myself and keep myself away from chips and cookies because all these are junk food which really doesn't provide much nutrients. So self control os one important factor that i learnt from this PT. Also, i think doing this PT also makes me think of the importance of calcium which i think i really lack in.
I also learnt that food we eat should not be judged by how tasty they are but the nutritional values in these food. All the food that are tasty are usually bad for the body, so the natural taste of food and the different natural colouring in these food is what that is most important. The more type of vegetables we consume, the better it is.
Secondly, i understand that food we make by ourselves is always better than those bought from outside as we ourselves will not add harmful stuff to our food such as preservatives. After doing this PT, i realsied how fortunate i am to have my mother to cook for me everyday and it is really the best and most nutritious meal compared to any other.
Zi Ning
i think one reason for the lack of consumption of vegetables and fruits is really because i only eat certain types of fruits and vege. for example, i only like to eat pears, orange and guava most of the time as they taste really good but i dont ever take apples though apples are known to have lots of vitamins. if not there wouldn't be such a phrase like 'an apple a day keeps the doctor away'. As for vegetables, i only take 1 type of vegetables, which is kangkong and no other type of vege. As such resulting in the imbalance diet. It is also due to the the fruits we usually buy, some fruits that i like such as strawberries and rambutans are some of the different types of fruits that are seasonal which we don't get to eat them anytime we want. That reduce the amount of fruits i eat.
So one thing i could do is really to eat a variety of food and not be too picky. Also, i need to control myself and keep myself away from chips and cookies because all these are junk food which really doesn't provide much nutrients. So self control os one important factor that i learnt from this PT. Also, i think doing this PT also makes me think of the importance of calcium which i think i really lack in.
I also learnt that food we eat should not be judged by how tasty they are but the nutritional values in these food. All the food that are tasty are usually bad for the body, so the natural taste of food and the different natural colouring in these food is what that is most important. The more type of vegetables we consume, the better it is.
Secondly, i understand that food we make by ourselves is always better than those bought from outside as we ourselves will not add harmful stuff to our food such as preservatives. After doing this PT, i realsied how fortunate i am to have my mother to cook for me everyday and it is really the best and most nutritious meal compared to any other.
Zi Ning
Analysis of my 3-day diet part 3
Analysis of my diet using RDDA:
After taking the Food Intake Assessment, the amount of mutrients i had consumed is being compared to the recommended amount i should take, so now i make it clearer here.
Energy recommended daily allowance : 1980
Energy intake: 2377
Carbohydrate recommended daily allowance: 297.0
Carbohydrate intake: 352.7
Protein recommended daily allowance: 63.9
Protein intake: 67.1
Fat recommended daily allowance: 66.0
Fat intake: 78.3
Saturated fat RDA : 22.0
Saturated fat intake: 35.1
Cholestrol RDA : 198.0
Cholestrol intake: 100.0
Calcium RDA : 1000.0
Calcium intake : 688.9
Dietary fibre RDA : 19.8
Dietary fibre intake : 22.6
Sodium RDA : 1320.9
Sodium intake: 2251.5
Conclusion: the amount of sodium intake is too much, sodium is usually found in packaged food like potato chips, canned food like tuna etc. One of the most common sodium that we consume everyday is salt. It is known that each person should only consume about 1 tsp spoon of salt everyday but due to the many meals i ate, the amount of sodium is much exceeding the recommended daily allowance. i think one way which i can cut down in sodium intake is to stop eating potato chips.
Also, the calcium intake is far less than the required amount that i am suppose to take. Calcium is important in building of strong bones so that when we grow older our bones remain intact and strong, instead of hollow and weak bones. In order to increase the amount of calcium intake, it would be good for me to drink 250ml of milk that is low in fats but high in calcium, one such brand would be the HL milk.
The amount of saturated fats consumed is also too much for my body. Saturated fats are harmful to the body and increases the risk of heart attacks as the arteries get blocked with the fats which takes the longest time to break down. Also, the fats increase the nuber of bad radicals which in the long run might cause diseases such as cancer. These fats are usually found in food bought from hawker centre and food courts and the food which i like the most, instant noodles. Therefore, I think one way to reduce the saturated fats intake is to eat out less often and avoid eating instant noodles. Once every 3 weeks is fine though.
Overall, most of the components of nutrients i consume each day are mostly exceeding the RDA for my age and therefore, i think it is also good that i reduce the amount of food i eat per day. Exercise more often such as walking can also help me in keeping me fit and strong.
After taking the Food Intake Assessment, the amount of mutrients i had consumed is being compared to the recommended amount i should take, so now i make it clearer here.
Energy recommended daily allowance : 1980
Energy intake: 2377
Carbohydrate recommended daily allowance: 297.0
Carbohydrate intake: 352.7
Protein recommended daily allowance: 63.9
Protein intake: 67.1
Fat recommended daily allowance: 66.0
Fat intake: 78.3
Saturated fat RDA : 22.0
Saturated fat intake: 35.1
Cholestrol RDA : 198.0
Cholestrol intake: 100.0
Calcium RDA : 1000.0
Calcium intake : 688.9
Dietary fibre RDA : 19.8
Dietary fibre intake : 22.6
Sodium RDA : 1320.9
Sodium intake: 2251.5
Conclusion: the amount of sodium intake is too much, sodium is usually found in packaged food like potato chips, canned food like tuna etc. One of the most common sodium that we consume everyday is salt. It is known that each person should only consume about 1 tsp spoon of salt everyday but due to the many meals i ate, the amount of sodium is much exceeding the recommended daily allowance. i think one way which i can cut down in sodium intake is to stop eating potato chips.
Also, the calcium intake is far less than the required amount that i am suppose to take. Calcium is important in building of strong bones so that when we grow older our bones remain intact and strong, instead of hollow and weak bones. In order to increase the amount of calcium intake, it would be good for me to drink 250ml of milk that is low in fats but high in calcium, one such brand would be the HL milk.
The amount of saturated fats consumed is also too much for my body. Saturated fats are harmful to the body and increases the risk of heart attacks as the arteries get blocked with the fats which takes the longest time to break down. Also, the fats increase the nuber of bad radicals which in the long run might cause diseases such as cancer. These fats are usually found in food bought from hawker centre and food courts and the food which i like the most, instant noodles. Therefore, I think one way to reduce the saturated fats intake is to eat out less often and avoid eating instant noodles. Once every 3 weeks is fine though.
Overall, most of the components of nutrients i consume each day are mostly exceeding the RDA for my age and therefore, i think it is also good that i reduce the amount of food i eat per day. Exercise more often such as walking can also help me in keeping me fit and strong.
Most important of all, rememebr the VMB---Variety, Moderate, Balance
Analysis of my 3-day diet part 2

Analysis of my diet using Healthy Diet Food Pyramid
Day 1:
Ate too much rice and alternatives, the recommended amount to eat per day is half bowl of rice and half bowl of noodle, but i ate 1 bowl of rice and 1 bowl of noodle, exceeded the recommended amount i should take. does that add up to 4 servings then? ok, then i ate 8 pieces of biscuits, according to the pyramid, 4 pieces of plain biscuit (40g) will be considered as 1 serving, so mine will be 2 servings then.
Total servings of rice and alternatives: 6 servings
Recommended servings intake per day: 5-7 servings
Ate ¼ round plate+ cooked vegetables so 1 seving of vegetables.
Total serving of vegetables ate: 1 serving
Recommended servings intake per day: 2 servings
Ate steamed eggs, which is made up of 3 eggs.
Ate 4 sotong balls, i think will be at least 90 grams right? so this will be 1 serving then.
Total serving of meat and alternatives: 2 servings
Recommended serving intake fore meat and alternatives: 2-3 servings
also ate other stuff like coke, chips, cornsoup, self made milo ice cream.
Conclusion: meeting expectation for both meat and rice, so sufficient amount of protein. however, the amount of vegetables i ate should increase and eat more vegetables. Fruits should be consumed and also the amount of oily and sugar food shound be reduced.
Day 2:
Ate 1 bowl of porridge and 2 slices of bread. Ate 1 large potato (in porridge)
Total servings ate: 4 servings
Ate 2 small blocks of beancurd(added in porridge)
Total serving of meat and alternatives: 1 serving
Ate 1 cup of guava
Total serving ate: 1 serving
Ate orange juice, milk bar, chocolate ice cream.
Conclusion: the amount of grains consumed is too little and the amount of proteins is too little, meat should be consumed. the amount of fruits ate should be more. no vegetables consumed today, lack 2 servings of vegetables. Need to reduce the amount of junk food ate.
Day 3:
ate 1 bowl of curry noodle and 1 bowl of white rice. (4 servings)
Total servings of rice and alternatives: 4 servings
Ate 1/2 plate of toufu (1 serving)
Total serving of meat and alternatives comsumed: 1 serving
ate ¼ round plate+ cooked vegetables (1 serving)
Total seriving intake of vegetables: 1 serving
ate 1 serving of pear and 1/4 serving of orange (1 and 1/4 serving)
Total serving of fruits: 1 and 1/4 serving
ate lollipop, potato chips, chocolate biscuits
Conclusion: amount of grain intake is not up to the recommended amount to take per day. need to consume more meat such as fish to get enough proteins for the body. amount of vegetables intake must increase by another 1 serving. Fruits consumed increased and diffrent types of fruita ate, consumption of different types of vitamins, good for body. amount of junk food ate is still too much, must be reduced.
zi ning
Analysis of my 3-day diet

Your intake of energy from your diet was more than you need. Frequently eating above your energy needs can contribute to excess calories, which will be stored as body fat if it is not being used for physical activities. Excessive body fat leads to blood pressure, stroke diabetes and even certain cancers. Energy in the foods we eat comes from three categories of nutrients - carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Fat is the most concentrated source of energy. Gram for gram, fat (9 kcal/g) has more than twice the energy of carbohydrate (4 kcal/g) or protein (4 kcal/g). Hence, foods high in fat are generally high in calories. Alcohol also supplies more calories (7 kcal/g) than carbohydrate or protein. Know your daily energy allowance, and balance the energy from the food you eat with the energy your body uses for physical activities.
Total Fat
Your total fat intake was more than the recommended amount. A diet high in fat is associated with overweight, high blood cholesterol, heart disease and other related health problems. To reduce total fat in your diet, use less oil or fats when cooking and use fat spreads sparingly. Use lean cuts of meat and poultry, and remove visible fat and skin. When eating out, ask for less fat or oil in your food. As extras add up, make your food choices wisely. Choose reduced fat or skimmed milk and dairy products instead of full cream varieties. Choose plain rice over flavoured rice, and cut down on the use of sweetened condensed milk or creamers.
Saturated Fat
Your intake of saturated fat was higher that the recommended amount. An excess of saturated fat can raise your blood cholesterol, subsequently increasing your risk of heart disease. The main sources of fat in our diet are also the sources of saturated fat! These include coconut-milk based foods, blended oil (usually used in commercial cooking), flavoured rice (e.g. chicken rice, nasi lemak, nasi briyani) and creamer/whitener/condensed and evaporated milk in beverages. Cutting down or limiting such sources of fat will also help to reduce saturated fat intake.
Your sodium intake was greater than the recommended amounts. Sodium acts like a sponge, holding water in our body. Excess sodium increases the blood volume, which then raises the pressure in our blood vessels. Hypertension or high blood pressure increases the risk of stroke and heart attacks. The main source of sodium in our diet comes from salt (sodium chloride) and sauces added during cooking or at the table. To cut down on sodium intake, gradually reduce the use of salt and sauces when preparing or cooking food so that your taste buds have the chance to adjust. Try flavouring foods with natural seasonings like lemon juice or herbs and spices. Choose fresh food over processed foods over processed foods and enjoy the natural taste of foods. When eating out, ask for less sauces or gravy in dishes.
You were not getting enough calcium in your diet. Without adequate calcium, you may be at risk of developing osteoporosis, a condition where your bones become weak and brittle. If left untreated, osteoporosis can worsen until a fracture (crack or break in the bone) occurs. Increase your calcium intake from a variety of sources. Consume calcium-enriched breads and biscuits, green leafy vegetables, calcium-fortified juices, high-calcium soya bean milk, ikan bilis, sardines (with bones), tofu, as well as milk and other dairy products. Vitamin D helps our body absorb calcium. Your body can make this vitamin after sunlight hits your skin. You can easily obtain enough by getting at least 30-60 minutes of sunlight a day.
Aside from eating wisely, remember to make exercise a part of your life. Exercise helps to burn fat, tone your muscles, improve your stamina, relax and sleep better, as well as keep you alert and study better! Exercise at least 20 to 60 minutes, 3 to 5 times a week, until you sweat and breathe deeply without getting breathless. Choose an exercise that you enjoy, and try a variety so that you don’t get bored. Keep your exercise routine simple, fun and interesting.
Retrieved from website on 19 September 2010 at 6.10pm.
Now i realised my intake everyday is way too much. Hmmm.... I should try to control myself next time. Starting from today:)
Zi Ning
Friday, September 17, 2010
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